Web server
This page is general description of the www server for personal and course web pages on the DTU Compute web server, www2.compute.dtu.dk. Too see howto for the DTU Compute web server for personal and course related web pages please refer here.
General description of www2
The DTU Compute Web server is available for DTU Compute staff and students for publishing documents on the World Wide Web. Users who wants to publish on the WWW2 server, must have an email account on DTU Compute.
The are three categories of documents on the WWW2 server:
- Personal files - Files belonging to a single user. Files here are accessible through:
- https://people.compute.dtu.dk/nnnn RECOMMENDED AND OFFICIAL LINK
- www2.compute.dtu.dk/people/nnnn
- www2.compute.dtu.dk/~nnnn
- Files related to courses - Each course offered by DTU Compute has it own homepage for PR etc. which is accessible with a link like http://courses.compute.dtu.dk/XXXXX (also accessible on the link https://www2.compute.dtu.dk/courses/XXXXX) where XXXXX is the course no., eg. 02100.
Normally the teacher of a course has access to uploading files to the folders.. - Other files - Those are common files. Normally someone (e.g. DTU Compute IT Support) has to grant you access to publish under this path.
If a request is made to a directory and not a specific file (e.g. http://people.compute.dtu.dk/nnnn) the WWW server will look for a file named index.html in the directory (e.g. public_html/index.html under the home directory of user nn). If that file does not exist it will search for a file named either welcome.html, Welcome.html, index.htm or homepage.html in that order.
"Active" pages
The webserver support active pages in form of PHP. If you need any other feature (such as ASP, PHP, JSP or CGI-BIN), please contact ITSupport.
Since there is a fairly large number of users publishing on the WWW server, a diskquota for each user has been imposed in order to ensure the stability of the server. This puts an upper limit on the total size of your files (and an upper limit on the total number of files).
If you are connecting to the WWW2 server using samba (and mapping the share to a local drive) the used/available space on that drive reflects your usage and quota.