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A quick guide for adding Piazza to your course in Learn (only for DTU Compute courses). Screenshots of the procedure below the guide:

  1. In your DTU Learn course, replace the default Navbar, with the default Navbar containing Piazza. (“Course Admin”> “Navigation & Themes” > Select Piazza navbar as “Active Navbar” and press “Apply”)
  2. In the updated Navbar/Menu in the top of your Course site, press “Course Content” and press the Piazza link from the dropdown menu. If you have never used Piazza with your DTU account before, you will be asked to input a password (Not your DTU password please!) and accept Terms of Use (Students will also be met by this page the first time they use Piazza). This Piazza password is never again required neither by you nor your students, as you use DTU Learn to log in to Piazza via above link.
  3. Put in a start date and term for the course in Piazza and deselect “Automatic Roster Synchronization” (We cannot use this otherwise nifty feature because of GDPR, so remember to disable that). Press “Create new Piazza class”
  4. Piazza lets you customize your course, but this can be entirely skipped and adjusted later if needed.
  5. Put in a message on the front page in your course in DTU Learn, that you are using the service, as stated in the guidelines below.
  6. Send us an email saying you need an instructor license for Piazza (itsupport@compute.dtu.dk), so that we can grant your user a license for classes containing more than 25 students.
  7. You are good to go.

Obs: If you are using your own custom navbar already, you can add the "Course content with Piazza" to your navbar or use the Piazza Quicklink and insert it into your "Content" or anywhere you like.

Compute IT Security council Guidelines:

  1. Students and TAs need to personally accept terms and conditions using Piazza. (This happens first time anybody accesses Piazza)
  2. Teachers and TAs are not allowed to upload content containing student information etc. There should be no identifiable data uploaded, other than possibly, your own.
  3. You cannot use Piazza for anything relating to the final evaluation/grading of the student.
  4. You must include the following information in a clearly visible way in your course in DTU Learn (As part of an announcement, welcome message in course content or a widget containing the message on the course front page): “It is voluntary to use Piazza, and Piazza have full control over data on their platform. In order to use it, you agree to their terms and conditions, see https://piazza.com/legal/terms”
  5. You cannot demand that students and TAs should use Piazza and you need to have viable alternatives for these if needed. (e-mail, Learn discussion forum, etc.)







