IP Telephones

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IP Telephones

IP phones can be plugged into any Compute network socket. In building 324 the power is usually delivered via the network. In other buildings a power adapter is needed.

If you are the only one using an IP phone you should bring it along when you move to another office. If you share a phone with others you usually leave the phone behind and use one in the new office. Remember to update DTUbasen if you change phone number.

For technical problems please contact itsupport@compute.dtu.dk. Phone numbers are generally administered by the sections secretary. The secretaries can contact itsupport if an extra phone is needed.

Compute has several types of IP telephones. The phones generally work like ordinary analog phones. You can see a list of functions for the phones (in Danish)on inside.dtu.dk, search for 'Funktioner for Polycom IP-telefoner'

Polycom has guides in English: Polycom 320 Polycom 550. The basic functions are the same at DTU, but the advanced functions described are not implemented.

No redial button on Polycom 320

By default Polycom Soundpoint IP320 do not have a hard key assigned for redial. However, to use redial, simply press the "Dial" key twice and this will act like a redial key without having to change one of the predefined buttons.
