Java plugin on Linux

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On a supported Linux (on Ubuntu versions less than a year old unless it is a LTS version):

In a shell window type:

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get upgrade

(this will of course only work if 'openjre' is installed)

How to link to the java plugin manually on Linux systems where update is not possible:

Download the latest tar file from: http//

Click on "Download"

Download the Linux tar file appropriate to your browser (32 or 64 bit)

Ex: the jre-7u7-linux-i586.tar.gz file has been downloaded to the '/tmp' folder.

Install in '/usr/local':

cd /usr/local zcat /tmp/jre-7u7-linux-i586.tar.gz | tar xpvf -

After unpacking link to the java lib file:

cd /usr/local/firefox/15.0/plugins (if the 'plugins' folder do not exist then create it)

ln -s /usr/local/jre1.7.0_07/lib/i386/ .

Restart the Firefox browser (all old instances must be killed) and type this in the URL field: