Exchange address book in thunderbird

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The DTU wide address book available for outlook users can also be made accessable for Thunderbird.

The method below does not show your own addresses and the list does not show the names of the contacts.

  1. Due to a self signed certificate add to the list of sites that Thunderbird trust even if the certificate is selfsigned: Go to Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> certificates -> View certificates -> Servers -> Add exception and type
  2. Go to Tools -> Address book -> File -> New -> LDAP Directory and fill out like this:
    Name: DTU
    Base DN: OU=DTUBaseUsers,DC=win,DC=dtu,DC=dk
    Port number: 636
    Bind DN:
    where XXXX is your DTU username. Make sure Use secure connection (SSL) is ticked.
  3. In the Address Book,go to View -> Show Name As and choose Last,First og First, Last (but not displayname)


  • You cannot search on a combination of first and last name, i.e. a search on "Anders Overgaard Bjarklev" returns nothing while a search on "Anders Overgaard" or "Bjarklev" provides the expected result.
  • The address book is only available from DTU IP addresses (but not DTU wireless). Download a offline copy to have it available from outside DTU. However, using a offline copy has reported as working rather unstable.

Note: this setup is not widely tested yet but basic functionality should be OK.