Design Tools Software

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The below mentioned tools are available on servers eda1-eda7 (all Linux servers):

(NOTE:if you logon to one of these servers and you cannot use your home directory/folder then email

Cadence, Synopsys, Mentor

These are all licensed software and can only be used by contacting the license servers:


port 5280 on servers 'csol2', 'csol5' and 'csol6' for Cadence

port 27000 on servers 'csol2', 'csol5' and 'csol6' for Synopsys

port 1717 on servers 'csol2' and 'csol5' for Mentor

port 1717 on server 'eda1' for Modeltech (Mentor)

port 2100 on server 'eda1' for Xilinx

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